Monday Motivation- Risk Takers

“If it’s still in your mind, it’s worth taking the risk.” Paulo Coelho

I think this quote is for anyone who has ever been hesitant about perusing their passions. And, it took me a lot of years to realize this and actually take that risk.

I went to the local community college on and off for nearly a decade. I changed my major at least 3 times. But, I kept coming back to one thing. Writing. Whenever I had down time, or I was bored, I would write. (Or play Sims but I still count that as storytelling) I’ve enjoyed writing, and story telling in general, since I was a kid.

But, no matter what else I studied, I wasn’t quite happy. Web design was cool and my love of history comes a close second to books and writing. But, I couldn’t settle. At the same time, I was in a job that was making me miserable and contributing to my health issues. I was stressed, broke, and felt like crap. And, then I realized. I was only happy when I was writing. I would recall the hours spent online with my friends coming up with wild stories, trying not to wake the house because I was laughing so hard. My sister and I had some of our best times making up stories with our Barbie dolls. I loved stories. That was my ticket out!

So, on a night out with my friend, Lisa, we decided we would work on making our passions a career. For me, it would be writing. For her, it was working on her art, specifically her comic. The ultimate goal would be to earn a living from our work so we could quit our jobs. Well, eventually, we both did that although she now works in real estate and is loving it. And, I had to quit retail because of my health and I found another part time job. I still try to devote every free minute I can to my writing career. I see myself on the bookstore shelves among the modern greats of fantasy like Stephen King and JK Rowling. Maybe my books will become a TV series like the 100 or the Mortal Instruments.

Whatever the end result, and through all the hard work, I know I am working toward doing something I love. And, one day, I’ll be able to share my stories with the world. That thought in my mind will be a reality.

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