W.O.C. Wednesday- Goals for remainder of July

Good morning, everyone!

I hope everyone is having a fantastically productive week. I know I am… for once.  Having this new space already has had a positive impact. It also helped that the second half of my week filled up ridiculously fast so I had to jump into high gear to get things done. I’m also noticing that it’s really nice to sit and listen to all the morning birds while getting work done.

For the past 2 days, I’ve been working on my notes for the expansion of book 1 in my series. I think my goal of adding 10,000 words was a little too ambitious. But, as I’m self-publishing, it’s not really going to matter. I can have the book as long or short as I want. I just was trying to weave in some additional details since this is the setup story, essentially. And, I have some ideas for book 2 in terms of beefing it up as well. In 2 days, I made notes for the whole book except for 2 chapters I’m going to try and tackle before I have to leave for the day. I tried to get the last 2 done before bed but I could not keep my eyes open.

I wanted to take this week’s update to share what I have planned for the rest of the month. Then, first Wednesday of each month from August to whenever I decide to change it again, I’ll be posting my monthly goals. I was doing quarterly for a while. In video then blog form. But, that was a bit much to keep track of and I would forget a LOT. So, it’s better to break things down a month at a time. That way, when life gets in the way, I’m not completely derailed and can make necessary modifications.

  1. Finish books 1 and 2 expansion notes
  2. Rough outline for book 3
  3. Content calendar for YouTube channel, this blog, and Patreon page through the end of the year at least.
  4. Edit office setup video and post it
  5. Recruit tech-savvy friend to help modify website design (this might be an August goal but I’m adding it seeing as I’m visiting that friend tomorrow)
  6. Set up deadlines through end of the year AND STICK TO THEM LIKE LIFE DEPENDED ON IT

Was that a bit too dramatic? Nah! Anything to get motivated, right?

Right. I have just under an hour to finish 2 chapters worth of notes before I have to do my things for the day. If I can bust this out, I’ve earned a pat on the back and maybe a Dunkin Donuts coffee. ^_^

Have a great week and I’ll be back tomorrow with this week’s Author Answers. Thanks for checking out my blog and website. Links to my YouTube channel and Patreon are above if you’re interested. Any support in those platforms are greatly appreciated.

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