Monday Motivation- That Fire

“The fire in her bones kept her feet moving when the world made her tired. The fire in her eyes kept her looking for the good in the world that only showed her the bad.” J.S. Cherfi

I think this has a wider application than just writing or achieving a goal. Our world is currently a scary place. There are a lot of awful things going on in this country from shootings to the disaster that is the current immigration policy and it can be incredibly discouraging and, sometimes, there are days when I don’t want to get out of bed and turn on the TV. There’s a reason the only news we usually have on in our house is ESPN with the exception of the local morning news to get weather and traffic reports. I’m going to really try not to get too political but no promises. Sorry.

But, then I think of my baby nephew and the children of my friends and they are the reason I can’t give up and the reason to work extra hard to find the light that remains in humanity. To be the positive example among the crap piling up around us.

Whenever I see good stories, I try to share them. A couple weeks ago, I saw a video that made me sob. A little boy dressed up as a police officer and visited nursing homes giving the residents flowers and cute little cards. It was so touching, I couldn’t help but cry happy tears that there are still decent people in the world. It just sucks that the disgusting ones are so much louder… and have positions of power.

What we need to do is make our voices louder. Let the people who promote hate and violence know we’re not going to put up with their sh*t anymore. We want our children to lead happy, safe lives. The ideal is that they can grow up without the fear of someone bringing an assault weapon to their school or a concert or a movie theater. That they don’t have to go into debt until they’re 110 because they want a college education. That they don’t have to worry about losing their home because of a $90,000 hospital bill. That they are free to love and live the lifestyle they were born for without ridicule and hate.

So, we need to keep speaking out. We need to fan the flame in our hearts to stand up for what’s right. It won’t be an immediate fix and there will be pushback. It’s going to be a fight. But, the message of justice and compassion needs to be louder than the message of hate and fear.

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