Monday Motivation- Don’t Give Up

“Don’t give up, don’t take anything personally, and don’t take no for an answer.” Sophia Amoruso

I’m currently reading “#GirlBoss” by Sophia Amoruso, absolutely loving it and recommend checking it out! I came across this quote before I started her book and this definitely fits her “no f*cks given” attitude she has in her book when she talks about starting her business. It boils down to this. This is what I love to do. I’m going to bust my ass to do it to the best of my ability. I’m not going to let anyone bring me down or tell me I can’t/shouldn’t do it and I will blow through any obstacles that stand in my way.

This is the mentality I’ve been trying to maintain when it comes to writing and my content creation. I love writing. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was little. Even though it means dragging my bum out of bed at 4 in the morning, I must take every minute available to work hard on that. It could be editing, starting a new outline, writing these blogs, creating content for my Patreon page or SkillShare classes. Any of that takes me one step closer to the ultimate goal of publication and being a full time author. I’m not going to let those naysayers in my life or the self doubt get in the way. The people that sneer and make a condescending comment about my particular genre. So, my book doesn’t appeal to them? No big deal. There are thousands of people who love fantasy books that could be my audience. And, I am going to mold my daily routine to maximize productivity and limit distractions.

It’s not going to be easy. There will be days where life gets in the way. I’ll have a family event. I’ve had 2 graduation parties this year. My nephew is being baptized next month, and I plan on taking the day to celebrate my anniversary. There are medical issues that happen. When school starts again, your kid is probably going to get sick a time or two. You might get that call from your boss begging you to come in because someone called off and they need you to cover a shift. So, you have to learn to adapt and adjust your schedule to make up for lost time. Because you have a goal you need to accomplish. And, while these things that get in the way may seem like huge barriers, you just need to find a detour to get back on track.

Share your ideas on how to do this in the comments section. What do you do to stay motivated so that nothing gets in your way of your goal? And, this doesn’t just apply to writing. If you want to start a business, have a health goal in mind, the same thing applies. Do what you can to make the most out of your time and achieve your goal.

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