W.O.C. Wednesday Feb. 28

Hi everyone!

I wanted to take a different approach with this update because I’ve been focusing on things other than just writing this week. I’ve been concentrating on my mailing list and Patreon page and then jumping back into writing next week.

But, I saw a question on one of the writing groups I’m on about how to stay productive when working from home. Everyone has a different experience and different things that work for them but I wanted to share my methods.

I need to have a plan. And, I have to force myself to get up out of my backside otherwise it’ll trigger my chronic pain and I’m hobbling around when I do get up until I get the blood flow back again. So, I implemented the Pomodoro Method of productivity. It’s a great method that helps you divide your work into small time blocks with breaks in between. And, in those work blocks, you have to focus on one set task. If you planned to outline your book, you outline your book. Don’t check your email. Don’t browse Twitter. Don’t Pass Go. Don’t Collect $200.

I’ll definitely do a video about this soon so you can see my notebook and how I plan things out. But, I’ll do my best to give an overview here. I have a set time where I get up and go through my morning routine. Shower, make my coffee, maybe get a light breakfast like a fruit smoothie or some toast. (I’m not a big breakfast person but having something gets my husband off my back) Then, I get dressed. If I know I’m going to be home all day, I cannot be in sweats or stay in my pajamas. That, for whatever reason, gets me in a slack-off mindset. So, I have to put on jeans and a t-shirt, maybe a splash of my favorite body spray because why not. (And, I have a ton of it because I love Bath and Body Works) Then, I sit down at my computer or notebook, look at my task lists, set my alarm on my phone, and get to work.

Each “Pomodoro” consists of four 25 minute blocks of work with 5 minute breaks in between. After the last 25 minute work block, you take a 15 minute break. During each work block, you have 1 task to focus on. Like I’m writing this blog post. It may not take the whole 25 minutes and if not I’ll set up the next task. In the short breaks, get up, walk around the house, stretch, take a bathroom break, refill your coffee, anything but sitting in your chair. In the longer break, that is your chance to make a small snack. Depending on the time, maybe make a light lunch. I want to get myself a cheap elliptical or treadmill and do a little workout and fully take advantage of the additional time.

This method has been very beneficial for me. I have been more productive than ever. I set up each page in my notebook a week ahead of time. I look at my calendar and see what I have going on. Doctors appointments, church obligations, helping my parents with something, etc. Then, I can plan those work blocks around these events. And, I make sure I stop at dinner time so my evening can be free to unwind and spend time with my husband or go out with the girls or have dinner with my family. Even if it means it cuts my time short. Tuesday I have an appointment in the morning and I won’t be able to start work until at least 11:00. I still plan to be done by a little after 5 because the evening is my time.

I fell out of this method for a while and it had an impact on my work. But, now, I’m working harder than ever, able to balance all my obligations, and a lot less stressed. I encourage you to try this out and I’ll link the video when it’s up.

Let me know if you use this method and if it’s helped you.

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