30 Day Challenge Day 29

Prompt: 5 things that make you happy

  1. A night at home, cuddling with my husband and watching TV- Life is pretty busy. Work, family obligations, doctor appointments (sooo many doctor appointments), Church. Sometimes we need those evenings where we order a pizza, throw on sweatpants and old t-shirts, and watch Netflix at home curled up on the couch under a thick blanket. (In bed works, too, but we have a small TV and the DVD player doesn’t work)
  2. Creativity days with my friend Lisa- Lately it’s been just do something productive while hanging out. She’s a realtor and a web comic artist. I’m working on my books. So, we try to find time in our schedules where we meet at the library or each others homes, hang out, binge YouTube and get our respective projects done. It’s so much fun.
  3. Playing with my mom’s puppy- My mom has a blond border collie. She is the most beautiful dog in the world. Spoiled rotten but adorable. She’s a cuddle bug, too. I love going over to my parents’ house and playing with her. Her kisses and wagging tail brighten up even the worst days.
  4. Spending time with my family- My family is hilarious! We show affection by tormenting the heck out of each other. We love to talk and share stories and tease and just have a great time.
  5. Visiting my best friend- My best friend in Veronica lives an hour away. I went to their 4th of July party 2 years ago and we just sat with her in-laws and were in hysterics the entire time. Her husband’s grandmother and her friend were there and the stories they told and things they said had me in tears and unable to breathe. It was great. Veronica turned to me and said, “This is us in 30 years.” I said, “What are you talking about? This is us now!” “Oh, yeah, you’re right.” We say things and do things that make her kids look at us like we dropped down from another planet. It’s so entertaining.

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