Looking Ahead to 2018

As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time to plan for the coming new year! I’m so excited to see what the new year has in store and I have so many ideas of what I want to do.

I’ve been gathering a list of agents to query should my attempt with “OfThomes” prove unsuccessful. I decided to try the traditional route just to see what might happen as I save up funds for self-publishing.

I started editing and bumping the word count of the second book in my Witches of Coolersville series. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of January. February and March I’ll spend refining my outline for book 3 and 4 and I’ll attempt writing book 3 for April Camp NaNoWriMo. If I can get the first drafts of books 3 and 4 done, I’ll be very happy and I’ll have a good start on my series no matter what publishing route I end up taking.

I was really enjoying the direction I was taking the 3rd book during NaNoWriMo. But, with my husband being sick and then the holidays, I wasn’t able to finish. So, I’m working on a new outline to finish the first draft and smooth out the rough plot points.

I’ve gotten into a new hobby with my planner and bullet journal and I’m looking forward to keeping up with it because I’m having so much fun. After the holidays, I plan to do more videos of what I’ve done so far. I want to get back into scrapbooking and put together my wedding and honeymoon albums.

There are also hopes of expanding my and Joe’s little family in the coming year. I’ve been seeing doctors for months, changed my diet, been limiting my caffeine (which has been soooo hard), started using a CPap machine to treat my sleep apnea. And, hoping something will happen soon.

I better get back to work on edits and holiday prep. Talk to you all next week with my Year-In-Review.


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