All Hallows Write Tag

Hey everyone,

Sorry this isn’t my usual weekly post. I really have nothing exciting to update. So, with Halloween coming up, I found this great writer’s tag! One of my favorite YouTube channels is Jenna Moreci, who is an amazingly talented writer. She gives writing advice and her videos are informative and hilarious! She did this tag in her video. I’ll link her channel info below and I’ll also post the link to the original tag from Sam Kasse on Tumblr.

Here are 2 rules for the tag: 1) Provide a brief description of the novel before starting- I’m going to use the first book of my “Witches of Coolersville” series since I’m working on the rerelease. But, some of these answers may apply to future book characters if need be.
Rule 2) Don’t use the same character more than 3 times

  1. It’s Halloween night. What is your protagonist dressed up as? My protagonist is Tara. She would either do something historical or fandomy and very modest. She’s very self-conscious about her body so no sexy cop or skimpy French maid. Probably a medieval lady or The Doctor.
  2. Who in your cast refuses to dress up and shows up at the Halloween party without one? Henry! If he shows up at all. Henry hates Halloween. He thinks it’s pointless and stupid. (Back story reference) One year in high school, his band performed for the big town party and all the members dressed up… except Henry who showed up in his usual raggedy jeans and white t-shirt.
  3. Which character wears the most outrageous costume and what would it be? This is actually 2 characters but they’re a couple. Darien and Lilia Moon. Now, by “outrageous,” this would mean either raunchy and inappropriate or flamboyant AF. Depending on their mood and how fast they wanted to get at each other at the end of the night.
    For the raunchy costume, it would probably be a gender swap Hugh Hefner and Playboy Bunny. Lilia would be in a black bra and panties and the robe. And, Darien would wear an itty bitty bikini that just barely holds parts in.
    Flamboyant would be some over exaggerated version of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Bright colors, huge hoop skirt gown, insane ornamented wigs, six inch disco platforms and tight tights for Darien.
  4. On Halloween, werewolves, vampires, and zombies are on the prowl. Which of their characters gets caught in their clutches, and which creature do they turn into? Have to be careful how I answer this because one of these creatures may appear in a book down the line in the series. So, the non-spoiler answer would probably be Rose. Rose works at the gift shop Tara’s grandmother owns. She’s just a really sweet lady and I’d hate for this to happen to her. But, again, trying not to go spoilery. Rose would be the bad horror movie stereotype where the sweet, kind hearted character is usually one of the first to die.
  5. Who wins the contest for best costume? This is another no-brainer. Gran. She goes all out every year for Halloween. Not only does she get, at worst, top 5 in best costume, she usually gets best decorations. Halloween is a HUGE thing in Coolersville. It’s an all day event and sometimes people start prepping months in advance. All of the stores and restaurants decorate and give out candy all day long and then everyone gathers at town hall for a massive party. Gran has boxes upon boxes of decorations for every holiday. And, all of her effort does not disappoint.
  6. Who hands out toothbrushes to trick-or-treaters? I have 2 answers for this question. a) Tara’s mother. She hates Halloween. Actually, she hates all things supernatural/paranormal and Halloween celebrates this so that’s an automatic no. She put up with it when her girls were young because they loved it so much but she grumbled the whole way. Or stayed home and her husband took the girls out. b) Roosevelt Tillman- He’s a briefly mentioned character in Book 2 and will show up down the line. But, he’s an idiot. He’s rich and entitled and just an all around ass hole. So, if he did, he would hand out toothbrushes or laxative chocolates just to be a jerk.
  7. Which 2 pair up and do an angel/devil costume together? This is my first repeat. Darien and Lilia. Only, they’d find or make the most racy costumes possible without getting charged for indecent exposure for wearing them in public.
  8. Someone is too scared to even attend the Halloween party. Who is it? Probably Mrs. McKenna, Henry’s mom. Another minor character in book 1 but she’s very timid. She likes her own little safe bubble world where everyone is happy and doesn’t react well to anything negative. She’s a sweetie and means well but she just wouldn’t be up for it.
  9. Who overdoses on candy and gets sick? Repeat answer 2- Henry. Even though he hates Halloween, he has a habit of just inhaling food when he munches. Or, he drinks too much when with his friends. He’d be at Tara’s dorm and eat all her candy and then blame her for leaving it within reach when she’s holding back his hair.
  10. Which character is most likely to place a curse/hex on someone and who would they curse? Actually this happens in a character’s back story! I saw this question and just started laughing. And, it wasn’t on purpose but it does get referenced in the second book. When Marissa was in kindergarten, she was being tormented by a girl named Abigail. Abigail is Roosevelt Tillman’s spoiled snot of a daughter. She was teasing Marissa so bad and she couldn’t take it anymore. So, she made Abigail croak like a frog. She didn’t mean to and felt bad… at first… because she was taught magic is not to be used to harm. But, the girl deserved it. And, it got reversed so was there really any harm done?

So, that’s the All Hallows Write tag! I love writing tags and I wish there were more of them. I’m going to have to search for more.

Here’s the link to the original tag by Sam Kasse

And, check out Jenna Moreci’s channel because she’s incredible.

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