World Anvil Summer Camp!

I’m starting a new project this July! I’ve heard my friend, Charlie, talk about this and I figured it would help me better define the details of my little made up town. So, I’m doing the Worldbuilding Summer Camp through World Anvil!

What project is my world building tied to?
What else but my fantasy series! I’m contemplating changing the name of my town, currently called Coolersville. But, I’ve used that name for 8 years so I don’t know if I can get it out of my head.

Which world are you working on?
My little made up town of Coolersville which is the prime location of my series. There might be some travel in later books but I haven’t made it that far in writing yet.

Which area of the world are you working on?
All of it? I mean, we’ll see what the prompts are and where I can best focus the details. There are locations within the town that are important to the story throughout the series that I’ll probably write more about.

How much are you aiming to complete?
Going for the Gold. I won’t be home on the 31st when the last prompt is revealed. I’ll be at the medieval faire with my bestie (possibly vlogging the experience) Maybe next year I’ll be able to complete the diamond level. But, 30 out of 31 is still ridiculously ambitious.

When will you write?
During my usual writing times. Early in the morning before I wake Squirt, afternoon during naps, and after dinner into the night. I do also have a book to draft but I’ll try to knock out a prompt or two first thing and then get back into drafting.

Who is your support network?
My friends in AuthorTube and the various Discord servers. I mentioned my friend Charlie and they’re super excited I’m attempting it this year.

I’m still learning the World Anvil platform and I only have the free membership for now. Ultimate goal is to either get the GrandMaster or Sage membership to unlock all the bells and whistles. But, I don’t have enough in the budget to cover the cost right now. (However, if you wonderful, generous loves would like to contribute on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I would not be opposed. Everything earned there goes right back into my business)

This is going to be a fun month. This might be the push I need to get back to vlogging. I can document my progress in this challenge. I need to go find my batteries and clear my memory card.

My regular post is coming Friday. So, I will talk to you then!

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