September 2020 Monthly Goals

Hello everyone! It’s a new month and that means a new list of goals. As always, if you want to see how these get broken down week by week, I share that on my Patreon. It’s just $1 for some behind the pages content. I share my weekly goals every Monday, my TBR for the month, scene snippets, and more.

So, September *should* be a little less hectic than August. My daughter began outpatient therapy twice a week to help her continue to catch up in her motor skills. I had a few days where my body gave me the finger and said, “Yeah, you want to work while the baby naps? How about you nap, too? We’re nearing burn-out.” And we had a health scare in the family, although thankfully they’re on the mend. I won’t go into what was supposed to get done in August this time because it was so crazy. If you’re curious, you’re welcome to go back and read the post if you want. Today, we’re looking ahead at the final month of the quarter. (Holy crap)

  1. Tweak how I set my goals so I’m better prepared for 2021: I’m thinking of setting quarterly goals, breaking them down into monthly, and then further into weekly. Maybe even daily. Although, I won’t share all of them. I do like the accountability sharing has- which is why I started sharing the weekly ones on Patreon along with a writing group I’m on.
  2. Finish Book 1 Tell/Skinny draft- I’ve hit a block at chapter 9 but I’m getting a writing day on Friday so I will be able to shut myself in my corner of the house and work it out. My husband has a 4 day weekend and he came home so excited he agreed without a second thought. I have to work Saturday and Sunday and I like to spend my time when I’m home with my husband and daughter. I can write a little after she goes to bed Saturday night but not too late.
  3. Figure out my 2021 planner line-up- New releases come out this week from Happy Planner! I already have 3 ready to go. My mini and regular work planners and my big catch-all. I need to get a mini catch-all and my health planners. I’m also converting my 2020 catch all into a notes book because I love the cover and I have a stockpile of dividers from old planners that I’m going to repurpose in future. I’ll probably purchase everything some time in October to let the mad rush die down a bit
  4. General goals for the rest of 2020- See what I want to do and set realistic timelines
  5. Plan more all-day writing sessions- Gives Joe some Daddy/Daughter time and I won’t go crazy if I can’t write as much during the week
  6. Clean office- Actually, this has to be done soon.

I’m going to include some personal goals on here, too, this month. I had them written down so why not.

  1. Return to routine of stretches and yoga practice for my back problem- Tried to take Lil Bits for a walk the other day and it just killed me when we came back. So, I need to start doing my stretches and exercises again
  2. Go outside whenever weather allows- September is usually still pretty nice in Ohio. But, we will start to see more cooler and rainy days so I want to get outside with Lil Bits as much as we can and enjoy. She loves sitting in the grass and watching all the things. It’s so cute.
  3. Drink more water- this has always been a struggle for me. Although, like the stretches, it’ll help my back pain.
  4. Meal plan healthier- no more grabbing a Stoffers because I wasn’t prepared to make a good meal. Those are good in a pinch but not regularly
  5. Find new primary care doctor- mine left the country 🙁

So, that’s it! Those are my goals for September 2020. Check out my Patreon to see the week by week breakdown and check-in and we’ll see how I did in October.

Thanks so much for reading and feel free to share your goals in the comments. We can cheer each other on.

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