My Writing Journey- 6 years!

Hi everyone,

I know I’ve been neglecting this blog in recent weeks but I’m back at it. It’s a new quarter so it’s a fresh start as we enter the 2nd half of 2020. Please, God, let it be better than the garbage fire we’ve had in the first half.

Anyway, as I was coming up with ideas for posts for various social media, I couldn’t help reflecting on my journey so far in my writing. I’ve been working on Witches of Coolersville for 6 years now! About this time, I finished my first draft of book 1. I’m editing it (again) right now to incorporate ideas for future books and make sure everything is consistent.

One thing that has actually surprised me has been my determination to get this series done no matter what has come up in my life. Severe medical condition landing me in the ICU? That was time off when I was home to work because I was stuck on the couch and not permitted to drive for a couple weeks. Planning my wedding? Just gotta get up ungodly early and write in the morning. Baby in the NICU? Bring my work with me whenever I can or go to the library after I leave the hospital for the day. I’ve been trying new things to see what works in my routine so I can juggle the Mom and Writer hats. Recently, it’s included getting up ungodly early (still), working during naps, and writing when the Tiny Human is in bed. Pre-pandemic, I would ask my parents to babysit once a week so I can hit the library for a few hours. Sadly, I can’t do that right now. But, I have been working things out with Husband so he takes over the parenting so I can work. He knows that I get frustrated and cranky if I go too long without writing. And, he’s wrapped around the baby’s finger so he loves his Daddy/Daughter time.

What’s ahead for the next coming years? Well, I’m building a backlog of books. Book 3 first draft is still unfinished. I’m still trying to really nail down what I want to do. On top of trying not to fall into “shiny idea syndrome” when I’m looking ahead. I bought a 5 year planner to try and get an idea of a timeline for what I want to do. I need to finish paying down some debt. I won’t be able to really concentrate on the publication process until Little Bits is in school. So, my focus is writing and self editing. Polishing the books as much as possible on my own plus with critique partners and beta readers so the professional edit won’t be as bad as it could be. I have a long series planned. I’ll probably be writing until I die and I’m okay with that! I may branch outside the series but I have no ideas for that right now.

I’m hoping everything with Covid begins to fade so I can attend events once again. Libraries are opening up again in July so that’s exciting. One of my bucket list ideas is to do a conference/convention and a signing event of some kind. Many authors I listen to have said they’re not profitable but it’s still an experience I think I will enjoy.

I’ve been spending time in my planners coming up with ideas for the series and possible timelines for things. Obviously, Mom Life means I have to be flexible with those timelines, even without a pandemic. That’s what white-out is for!

It’s been a bumpy road and there are probably a few more bumps ahead. But, I’m doing what I love and that makes it worth it.

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