Covid Chronicles- 6

Changing the name slightly just so it’s easier to remember.

So, things have been getting strained. Husband is getting really antsy being out of his normal routine for so long. He wants to go back to the office so bad! It was just announced a couple days ago office workers can begin to return, although if you can still work at home, do it. He immediately started asking his boss about it. However, Boss Man is hesitant because their secretary has an severely immune-compromised family member so she has to be very careful. We’re trying to get into a routine more just to help Husband’s anxiety. Starting with getting up early again. So, this week we have an alarm set for 5. And then a back-up alarm for 5:30 and then a back-up for the back-up at 6. Sometimes this has worked and sometimes it’s failed. But, we’re only a couple days into doing this. Then, he has breakfast, showers, and goes into his cave while I get my coffee, try to do a little work, and prep food for Baby Girl.

Just found out I’m supposed to be getting a sort of hazard pay from work during this whole thing so that’s nice. Extra cash to pay down my credit card. Although, I did splurge this month. I bought a 6 pack of spiral notebooks, 2 writing books, and a 5 year planner. Everything but the planner has arrived. I should get the planner either today or Friday.

Do I really need another planner? Mmm, probably not. But, I like the idea of being able to plan long term. Then, I can break big goals into small chunks. Like, I’m working on book 3 of my series and starting to work on ideas for the rest of it. I can set my deadlines for each project and the steps involved. I can have a savings goal for publishing costs or a writing retreat when travel is safer. I’ll probably do a video of setting up this planner. Yes, I know, 4 months of this year is already gone but there’s still 4 years and 8 months left to plan all the things.

I’ll do reviews for the writing books when I’m done with them. And, the notebooks are already being put to use for brainstorming future stories.

Focusing on my writing has been a distraction from all the insanity. But, Tuesday I was desperate to get out of the house. So, I tried to go for a walk but my back plain flared up. So, since I already had Little Bits in her car seat, I put her in the car and we went for a drive. We did not get out of the car. I went through the drive-thru to get a sandwich and my iced coffee and then we went driving in the park. As long as I was back before she needed her next bottle. But, she didn’t sleep so she was all kinds of thrown off. We put her to bed around 6 after she ate. And then she woke up hungry around 9 and had all of this insane energy so Husband and I played with her until she was ready to pass out. I read her a story and then got her all snuggled and she was out 1, 2, 3.

I have been getting so sick and tired of people claiming their Constitutional rights are being violated with these limitations. Like, can someone point to the line where it says the government cannot mandate wearing masks? But, I’m pretty sure that was never a thing when the Constitution was written and ratified. This was back in a period where they still used leeches for medical care! And, they didn’t wash their hands or tools. Just because you disagree with it, or it inconveniences your life, doesn’t mean it’s oppression. I could go on about this but it’ll just lead to a profanity heavy tirade.

Anyway, I hope you are all well and safe. I’m getting back to my Monday blogs so keep an eye out for those and the video setting up my 5 year planner.


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