Covid-19 Semi-Quarantine Series- 4 Ohio Lockdown Edition

It’s day 3 on Ohio’s ordered lockdown. And day 9 of husband working from home. (Not counting weekends because he only works M-F)

While I’m still in my routine for the most part, Husband is going stir crazy. It’s also more frustrating for him to work from home because the connection to the work server is slower. He lost 2 hours a couple days ago because the Internet went out at the office and the people who rent the apartment above them tried to fix it instead of waiting for IT. Every once in a while, I can hear him complain from his “cave” in the basement when something’s being slow or not quite going right. Shortly followed by him coming upstairs to walk off his frustrations. That’s usually cured when Little Bits lights up and wants him to play with her. Baby giggles ensue and tensions eased… until the next thing irritates him in a couple hours.

My mom was awesome and brought over homemade potato soup, ginger ale, crackers and Gatorade, which came in handy while I was laid up with the stomach flu. Now, I’m feeling human again. So, I can still do my livestream tonight! I had asked a friend to co-host with me but I don’t think he’s available so I’m going it alone yet again.

This weekend we’re going to try and get some household things done. I know Husband is itching to get outside and do yard work. But, it’s still been pretty chilly and we’ve had plenty of rain recently. Even some white stuff, but, that’s no surprise. I’ve seen snow in May around here some years. It suuuucks.

I have to voice my opinion about a point of view from a particular leader that I cannot stand and I think he’s a total moron. Now, this goes beyond politics. This is talking about people’s lives. This person doesn’t think hospitals need the supplies they’re asking for. He thinks the US will be up and running like normal again by Easter. And, he’s only supplying help if people are nice to him. There is so much wrong with all of these statements! In New York, they’re setting up field morgues for the overflowing dead. Countless medical experts have said that there is a shortage of tests and necessary equipment to care for critical cases. And, we haven’t even hit our peak yet! We’re already number 1 in cases recorded and we’ll soon be number 1 in deaths if we’re not careful. Our economy will recover in time. It’s not like we haven’t had recessions/depressions in our history. It’s taken time but we’ve come back. Reality is such a different picture than this ideal people want to have happen. It’s frightening. So, every time this person comes on, I switch channels. I’m not listening to anyone but my state governor, the department of health/CDC, and World Health Organization. I’m keeping my bum home as much as I can. (I do still have to occasionally go to work) And I’m praying this goes away by summer with minimal loss of life. It’s weird not going to church but we have a lot of elderly in our congregation that I consider friends. If I were to be an asymptomatic carrier and they died from being around me, I’d feel horrible. If my parents caught something, or my sister, husband, daughter, niece and nephews, all the people in my life, ended up in the hospital.

So, consider that. Next time you’re thinking, “I’m young and healthy. This is ridiculous. When will life go back to normal?” Look at how many people are in ICU or have already died? Now, picture your child, mother, grandfather, best friend in that place and ask yourself is it worth it. Is it worth listening to the anti-science, anti-facts “leaders,” if their lives are at risk? Or is it worth waiting, being patient, listening to the actual experts, and keeping everyone safe until this goes away? I’m going with door number 2 and I will have a party when we can all get back to normal.

Alright, getting off my soap box. Stay safe.

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