WoC Wednesday- Sept. 27, 2017

Taking a new approach with this outline for book 3. Since all the events lead up to, or around, Halloween, I drew out a calendar and I have an idea of when I want things to happen. So, then, I can further flesh it out. The more details I write, the more excited I am to really start writing. This is definitely some darker stuff than I’ve ever written. I’m getting more into horror in this story. Although, the prompt was from the horror section of a book.

And, as we get closer to Halloween, I’m getting more and more ideas to enhance this story. If I get this done, I plan on seeing if I can write an outline of book 4 or 5. Doesn’t mean I’ll have them written in November. Focusing on book 3 right now. But, it will make first drafts of later books a lot easier if they’re already outlined. I’ll also have a better idea of where the series is headed, how characters are developing, and all that.

Once I get my Scrivener program back (trial expired, need to buy full version tomorrow), I can keep everything in one file. I have the first 2 already set up. And I have folders for 3 and beyond. Just need to fill those folders with chapters, character profiles, notes, research, maybe some artwork if I can find some that closely resemble my characters. I’m still going to write down things in my notebook. But, Scrivener will help keep everything in one place on my computer. I can also install it on my husband’s if need be, because then I can copy the files to Microsoft Word- currently not working on my laptop.

I’ll post another update next week!

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