Covid-19 Semi-Quarantine Series- 3 Ohio Lockdown Edition

It’s official! Ohio will be on ordered lockdown! Governor Dewine got tired of suggestions, I guess, and made it an official order. Now, this is not like in Italy where the police will stop you and tell you to go the hell home. But, it is an official order. We are allowed to go outside, although today it’s raining but when it warms up I’ll be taking Little Bits for walks quite often. And, certain essential businesses are open like grocery stores, gas stations, pet stores, and banks- but limited services in some places. Like, most banks are only allowing drive-thru services.

Joe is working from home. Well, he started Monday of last week but tried to sneak into the office Friday. But, his boss told him to go home. So, we are adjusting. We slept in this morning because I still had to work this weekend and Little Bits was being more of a stinker than usual in not wanting to go to bed or waking up in the night. (Teething is so much fun) So, we stayed in bed as long as we could. Still, Little Bits was up by 7:00 instead of her usual 8 or 9. So, before I hopped online to work, I put her down for a nap. When she gets up, it’ll be time for her to eat and then she can play in her little saucer toy while I try to get some more work done. Depending on how much work Joe has to do, he said he’d take over for a while so this afternoon I might take advantage of it.

On Friday, I’m hosting a livestream on my YouTube channel. It’ll be at 7PM EST. It’s my usual monthly streaming but there’s a great hashtag starting called AuthortubeHouseParty. I am certainly going to join in the fun there, and I was already planning this before all the limitations began. And, you don’t have to write during this. You can draw, edit, or just come and BS. Jenna Moreci is hosting one on Sunday (6pm EST) and that’s always a time with her. I’ll be sharing this on my Facebook page and Twitter… when I remember to post on Twitter. Possibly Instagram as well.

Little Bits is starting to wake up. That was just enough time to get this post done. Thanks, baby girl, haha. Fingers crossed I can be a little more productive. My other goal for today is to type up what I have on my index cards for chapters 10 and 11 and finish the cards for chapter 12. If I can get more than that, great. If not… such is life. I’ll just have to get up early tomorrow.

Stay safe everyone!


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