Covid-19 Semi-Quarantine Series- 1

What’s up, everyone.

With things being more and more restricted around here, I thought I’d take the copious amounts of time I’ll be spending at home to document how we’re staying productive and (more importantly) sane around here. Hubby and I are taking the spread of this illness seriously. We have Baby Girl to think about and we’re also immune-compromised in some way. I have rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune form of arthritis causing chronic pain and Joe has asthma. Baby Girl is, thus far, pretty healthy but she’s still under a year old and was a preemie. While there hasn’t been anyone under 14 in Ohio getting this virus, we don’t want to have her be the first.

So, what’s been going on? Well, our governor is taking every measure to be pro-active and restrict things as much as possible for everyone’s safety. Not trying to get political but he’s one of the few Republicans actually taking this seriously and not following the lead of others in his party and blowing it off. He’s been a leader in temporarily closing businesses and ramping up unemployment relief and making sure our healthcare system can handle critical cases. Bars and restaurants are closed except for take-out and drive-thru. Gyms, movie theaters, libraries, bowling alleys closed. The Ohio Catholic bishops gathered together to suspend public Mass through Easter! The holiest time of year for Christians! Many businesses and companies are encouraging their employees to work from home if their position allows it. All to “flatten the curve” so less people are at risk.

In our lives, Husband brought his work computer home and set up his basement office to work from home. He works for a very small company so nobody can afford to get sick. Once in a while, he pops up to get a cup of coffee or play with Anna for a few minutes. Partly because he has the attention span of a gnat and can’t sit at a desk for 8 hours straight. Or however long it takes to finish his projects. If he can’t get up and walk around, he gets antsy.

I still have to go to work. My usual every other weekend plus I picked up Fridays. (Since, if Husband were still going to work, he gets off at 12:30 on Fridays so I’m able to go in and work 3:30-9 when needed) I work at a nursing home as a front desk receptionist. We are not allowing visitors but we still have to monitor the doors and redirect people or take deliveries for residents. Everyone going into the building gets their temperature taken and if it’s over 99, go home. Which makes sense. Many people living there are already very ill and weak. We have to keep them as safe as possible.

We did get a few extra groceries. We’re not crazy paranoid like the people buying 300 cases of water and clearing the shelves of Lysol and Purell. But, some additional food in case we do have more limitations put in place. Extra diapers for Baby Girl. Loaded up on formula and baby food for a couple weeks. If nothing else, to lessen the amount of times we have to go out and risk bringing something home. Nothing more than what we’ve been doing since August so what’s another few weeks or so?

And, I’m not going to lie. As it gets nicer out, I will start to feel the cabin fever and I’ll probably pack up Baby Girl and walk around the neighborhood or sit with her in the yard to get some sunshine and fresh air. And, I have to believe that, soon, the day is coming where we can breathe again and places open up.

And, once things do open back up and life begins to go back to normal, you can bet I will be out doing all the things! Taking Baby Girl to the zoo and the park. Having fun with friends and family.

Of course, I hope we all remain cautious and continue basic hygiene. Because the amount of people who thought this was a new phenomenon made my stomach turn. “What do you mean I have to wash my hands after I use the bathroom? Like, with soap and water? Not just hand sanitizer I’ve had in my purse for 5 years?” *hurk* Because, even when this virus goes away, there are still a whole heck of a lot of things we can catch any other time. Flu, cold, strep throat, whatever comes back thanks to the pro-plague movement. I’m gonna get off that soap box before I go into a rant but you get my point.

Finally, how’s my writing during all this? Surprisingly quite wonderful, thank you! I’ve been outlining on index cards and then dividing into chapters and typing into Scrivener. And, I kinda started writing today even though the outline isn’t done because I outlined a scene yesterday I can’t wait to get to! I wasn’t going to write until April 1st but then I said, “Screw it! I’m too excited. Writing now! I’ll outline when I run out of parts to write.” So, I’m 9 chapters in on the outline with chapter 10 started. For the sake of simplicity, my chapter word count is 1000 words each. I have the file set up for 30 chapters but I haven’t gone beyond 25 in my series thus far so we’ll see if I need that many. I’d rather be prepared, though. I still get up really early in the morning to write. Sometimes I’ll work when Baby Girl naps or I have her little bouncer set up in my office so she can play while I work. But, that’s usually tidying my office or updating my bullet journal. Some task that doesn’t suck my focus as much so I can keep an eye on her at the same time. She’s learning to entertain herself some so that makes it easier. I just have to make sure she’s contained like in her bouncer or pack-n-play otherwise she can get into trouble. (Yes, at 10 1/2 months old, she’s a pro at trouble)

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. The precautions may seem extreme and inconvenient but they’ll save lives.

I’ll write again soon.


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