New Outline Method

Wanted to try something new with this outline. Many people have had success with note cards. I remember using them to write papers in school so I figured there’s no harm. And they’re super cheap so I’m not out big bucks if it doesn’t work.

So, I took what I had in my brief plot point list and copied them onto the card. One point per card with room to expand the details. Once I get everything down, I can divide into chapters. I’ve had some success so far. I only started it on Sunday so we’ll see how much more progress I can make. If I can get a good portion of an outline done, I’ll have somewhat of a direction for Camp NaNo this April. I don’t have a huge word count for the first draft, at least during Camp. Since my writing time is minimal at best, I know I won’t be able to do a huge word count. My goal is 250 words per day. I know that is only 7500 words total but it’s the bare minimum I think I can do with my limited work time. If I have days where I get more, cool! But, I feel like if I have a large goal like 1000 words, that puts on a bit too much pressure and takes away the fun of the event. And, I have more things to work on besides just my draft.

Another thing changing this month is the day of my livestream. Past 2 months have been on Fridays but that may have to be moved. I’m picking up Friday evenings at work. Nice thing is I can plan ahead since I get my schedule for a full month. Then I have to coordinate with Hubby so he can take over bedtime duties. Keep an eye on my social media (listed below) for more information when I figure out a night.

Hope you all have a good week. A special announcement is coming tomorrow for a project I’ve been working on since before Christmas. It’s something very close to my heart and I hope it’s a success.


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