NICU Care Package Drive

Hi! Coming to you with a very special announcement.

Along with the ladies group at my church, I am collecting items to make care packages for mothers with children in the NICU. This year, we’re focusing on the Cleveland Clinic since that’s where my daughter was.

One of the things that gets pushed to the back burner is self care. Many nurses have seen moms, and even dads, hospitalized due to stress and exhaustion. So, these care packages will help make this journey easier. They’ll be delivered over Mother’s Day weekend. We’ll need 85 to meet max capacity so I’m putting a call out to all the wonderful people who follow my social media platform.

  • Tote Bags
  • Travel Bath and Body products- Lotion, Body Spray, Dry Shampoo, Shampoo, Hand Sanitizer, Chapstick, Tissues, Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Deodorant, Mani/Pedi set, Nail Polish- The nail polish and body spray are just something fun. But, everything else very much can come in handy. You wash your hands a LOT in the NICU and the soap can dry out your hands so the lotion comes in handy. Nothing with overly harsh scents, though, because babies are very sensitive and the smell may irritate them
  • Water Bottle/Travel Mug- In the hospitals we were at, you were allowed to have water in the room with the baby. Dehydration is a serious issue. Around when my daughter was 6 weeks old, I nearly passed out from dehydration and had to spend a night with an IV in my arm.
  • Mints
  • Notebook and Pen- to write down all the information doctors and nurses give you, track what goes on each day, or to just use as a diary when you need to get something off your chest
  • Adult Coloring Book and Colored Pencils- This and the cards are another little fun item for relaxation. One of the hospitals we were at offered art therapy. It was a little chance to step out of the room and do something creative. I created a few things for my daughter’s room.
  • Deck of Cards
  • Blanket- For naps
  • Children’s Book- It’s so important for baby’s development to read to them. If a baby is in an isolette, as long as there isn’t a condition where they have to be contained and quiet, Mom can open the window and read to Baby. It helps with development as well as acts as a comfort because your mother’s voice is the primary voice you hear in the womb. And, the purpose of the isolette is to replicate those conditions as much as possible.
  • Gift Cards ($15+ Suggestions include: Gas Stations, iTunes, Restaurants, Starbucks, BuyBuyBaby) Because hospital food is gross. And, if a parent has to commute to the hospital every day, it can eat gas like crazy. I suggested BuyBuyBaby in case there were items still needed. If a baby comes prematurely and in an emergency case, things aren’t always ready at home.

I’m also going to include a prayer card from a local shop as well as a little note.

Items can be mailed to Saints Peter and Paul Rectory. 4750 Turney Road, Garfield Heights OH, 44125 Please indicate somewhere that this is for the NICU drive so the secretary knows to contact me.

Monetary donations can be sent through my PayPal link.

Thanks so much for your support in this project. I know we can help a lot of people make this experience be a little less stressful.

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