Updated Morning Routine- Stay Home Order Edition


Things have changed so much to my morning routine with by husband being home. It’s almost been a month and I’m going to confess something. We spent a majority of those weeks sleeping in and then grumbling about how little we got accomplished. But, we’ve started to make some changes.

Alarm goes off about 5:00. We take our time getting out of bed. Sometimes I’ll play on my phone a bit until I’m ready to get out of bed. I know! Screen time immediately is one of the worst thing according to all of the lifestyle influencers but I don’t see any harm with playing some Wizards Unite first thing in the morning. I avoid social media as long as I can. All the trolls are home and bored and it’s just, as a friend described, “the go-to place for cantankerous people to ruffle feathers and be obnoxious.” Especially Facebook! I’ve had to mute so many people these past weeks because I’m tired of the nonsense being spread about.

After we’re finally out of bed, any time between 5 and 6, I’ll shower and get dressed. Joe gets the coffee going and has breakfast and then it’s his turn to shower. I don’t get all fancy or anything. Unless I decide to do a video. But, yoga pants and a writing themed shirt have become my “uniform” at home. I’ll have a cup of coffee and fill my giant jug of water. I’ll have just enough time to go into the office and set up my workspace before I hear the calls of a hungry child. So, I get her bottle together and go get Little Bits out of bed and the day begins.

I’m working on getting up a little earlier so I can do my morning pages again and my other routine things. But, it has just felt so good to sleep a little more. And, if I get involved in a scene or something, I don’t get to bed until almost midnight. I can’t function on 4 hours of sleep without being a snappy, snippy b*tch monster. That extra hour or two makes a huge difference. So, right now, this is what’s working.

When the day officially begins, Husband and I kinda go do our own thing. He’ll come upstairs for lunch and then end work before dinner. We’ll see how things change when things start to go back to normal. Or whatever the new version of normal will be.

Talk to you soon. Stay well and safe.

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