Author Self Care

Happy Monday.

Playing off my post from Friday about healthy habits I’m trying in 2020, I have some things other authors can try to better take care of themselves. Sometimes we can get so absorbed in our work, next thing we know, it’s 5:00 and we feel like crap because we’ve been staring at a screen for 12 hours. So, here are some things to keep in mind.

  1. Have a set start and stop time: This can vary from day to day, depending on your schedule. But, just like any job, you can “clock in” and “clock out” for your writing time. This can help you manage your tasks during this time, too. For example, I know my daughter gets up around 8:00. So, if I got up at 4, that gives me 4 hours to get things done. 30 minutes is dedicated to Morning Pages. Maybe I’ll spend another 30 minutes checking my social media, responding to messages, marking subscribers and followers. I might take another hour to at least film a video or write a few blog posts. And the final 2 hours can be writing. This is just an idea. Some days I devote to YouTube or getting ahead on blogs. Or, I’ll have a rush of ideas and spend all morning writing. I’ll clock out at 8 and get things ready for my daughter. If she sleeps later, I’ll enjoy a cup of coffee and watch a show until I hear her crying. The latest is about 9:00.
  2. Don’t forget to eat: If you can write for a solid day, or a majority of the day, don’t forget to eat. If you’re a strict calendar blocker or use a planner, schedule in time to eat if you have to. (I know people who have to do that) Remember to take time for an actual meal and have healthy snacks on hand. Yeah, the candy is okay for a treat but not for the long run. Since a bulk of my writing time is in the morning, I’ll make a smoothie the night before. Plain Greek yogurt, orange juice, cherries, an assortment of whatever other fruit I have in the freezer or if something is in season like watermelon. You can find recipes on Pinterest with combinations that help give energy. Cherries are good for inflammation so I have to include them for my chronic pain. And they’re tasty.
  3. Stretch/Walk around/go outside: Sitting at a desk all day is not good for you. Your muscles cramp up and, at least for me, you get up and spend the first couple minutes hobbling like an old person. If the weather allows, I pack up my daughter and walk in the neighborhood. It’s about a mile round trip from our house to the end of the development and back. I get the exercise and she enjoys the fresh air.
  4. Read: This is just a given because every writer should be reading in order to improve their craft.
  5. Leave the house to write: Sometimes you need a change of scenery to give your brain a boost. Find an independent coffee shop, or go to the library or a park. If you have writer friends who live close by, maybe work together in each other’s homes. You might not get much writing done, to be honest. But, it’s still fun and gets you out.

Hope these help you out. If you have any other ideas, leave a comment. Thanks for reading!


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