My Morning Routine… for now

Hello everyone!

I thought I’d take the time this week to share my current morning routine. Now, things are definitely going to change as my daughter grows and her sleep needs change. And, when she goes off to daycare and then school. But, for now, this is what I’m (usually) doing. This does not include weekends because I work on weekends or we have family things. Sometimes both.

4:00(ish) I wake up, get dressed, and get myself a big mug of coffee and bottle of water to start my day. Joe is going about his routine at this time so sometimes we’ll talk about plans for the day, any particular errand he needs me to run since I’m home, things of that nature. (I know. Really exciting stuff) I’m not much of a breakfast person but the coffee gives me the jolt I need and I really am working on staying hydrated so I need my 30 oz jug of water for the morning.

Around 4:30, I go into my office and journal. I like to do Morning Pages, 3 pages of free thought writing. It’s really nice to wake up the brain. I’ll also do Evening Pages to clear my mind of the day’s craziness so I can sleep. But, morning pages helps me sort out my thoughts and write out a potential plan for the day. This takes about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how much I am able to write down and how fast. If I don’t hit 3 pages in an hour, I just stop. No point in dragging it out all day.

I take a little stretch break after journaling to get my daughter’s bottle ready for the morning. I won’t warm it up until just before I go get her but I will add her vitamins. I usually need a coffee refill at this point, too.

Then, it’s time to get to work! I set up my planner on the big desk so I can see all my tasks and deadlines for the week. I have a window of maybe a couple hours to get work done so I have to keep my task list small and manageable. My daughter wakes up anywhere between 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning. I plan for the earliest time and if she hasn’t made any noise I’ll keep working until I hear her.

A few other things I do to set the mood include lighting a candle and using my Forest app to stay off my phone. I’ll either listen to music or a podcast. If I’m working in my calendars, planning content and such, it’s usually a podcast. If I’m writing or editing, I’ll turn on one of the focus playlists on Spotify.

And, that’s it. Once my daughter wakes up, my day is devoted to her. If I have the energy, I try to work more in the evenings when she’s in bed but I’ll talk about my night routine another time.

I’ll have my WoC Wednesday Update (for real this time) this week and then no content next week because of Christmas. Appearances on social media will be minimal for the holidays so I can devote the most time to my family. I’ll have a look back on 2019 to close out the year. Eek!

Have a safe and happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate.

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