Reunited and It Feels So Good!

One thing I love about my job is we’re pretty free to do as we please. Provided the mail is done along with a few other tasks. Other than that, answer the phone and make sure no one wanders off who isn’t supposed to leave the building. So, I decided to bring my manuscript with me today and go over the notes from my friend and critique partner… sent to me in February. But, being exhausted from my pregnancy and everything that has gone on since my daughter was born, I haven’t had time to eat let alone work on my book.

On a whim while packing up my bag last night, I thought “What the heck. Maybe I’ll have time to do a few chapters.” So, I imported his document to my Google Docs, grabbed a color pen and highlighter, and went to work. And, it felt fabulous! Being so busy, I’d forgotten how nice it is to sit and work on my book. Sure, it’s hard work. I’ve been trying to get these stories right for years. But, it’s hard work that I love to do and get joy out of.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my baby girl. She is my world and remains my top priority in my life. But, once we get through a few big projects around the house, I want to sit down with my husband and figure out a routine where I can write a bit more often. During the day, I can get some time while she’s napping. And, she goes down for the night around 8/8:30 so there’s some time in the evenings. I’m sure we can work something out.

I do have to find my office again. It’s kind of become a catch all for junk as we’re rearranging the house and doing a major baby-proofing/decluttering. Managed to avoid covering my desk but it’s still distracting having piles of stuff all over the room. It’s a work in progress.

My work shift is almost done. I have a few things left to work on and then off to see my angel and my honey. Have a great week, everyone!

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